• Preserving Justice in Our Criminal Court of Appeals

    At Texans for Responsible Judges PAC, we've developed a comprehensive strategy geared towards electing judges who uphold the rule of law to the Criminal Court of Appeals.

  • PAC Endorsed Candidates

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Our Mission: To Preserve Conservative Values within Texas' Judicial System

About Texans for Responsible Judges —

In recent years, the winds of change have swept through Texas, ushering in a wave of conservative leaders across various offices. However, one crucial arena remains overlooked—the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. It's here that the steadfast principles of conservatism are threatened by incumbents who have veered from their conservative roots, pushing the court towards ideologies that do not align with the values we hold dear.

Recent rulings betraying conservative principles underscore the urgent need for change. Decisions that hampered efforts to combat voter fraud exposed underlying liberal leanings within the court, prompting us to mobilize for a shift towards judges who prioritize conservative values in their judgments.

At Texans for Responsible Judges PAC, we've developed a comprehensive strategy geared towards electing judges who uphold the rule of law to the Criminal Court of Appeals. Together, let's uphold our conservative principles within the judiciary, ensuring that our legal system mirrors the values of the Texans it serves.

Candidates We Support

  • David Schenck


  • Gina Parker


  • Lee Finley


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